The condition causes people to urinate frequently, whenever there is even relatively minor stress on the bladder, he says.
But its common to see sober people - taxi drivers for example - urinating in the street in broad daylight.
The streets run with sewage, and people and animals urinate at will.
While many people who have a seizure will urinate of defecate not all do.
If people are urinating outside because there are no toilets, set up toilets.
The report claimed that people were urinating in cathedral grounds and placing excrement in the bins.
Other people urinate and defecate in the cars.
In an attempt to reduce the blood pressure again, the body tries to drain excess fluids, with the result that people urinate and can become dehydrated.
Does the Mayor believe people urinate in the streets by choice?
I'm bored with watching people urinate onstage.