Many people tune into his late-night infomercials to simply be entertained by him.
But it's up against "Seinfeld," which a few people tune into each week.
The media needed new angles to keep things fresh and to keep people tuned in.
And some people tune them out until they pull themselves together.
The all-time record was set in March 1990, when 3.7 million people tuned in to see the show.
On its opening night, over 800,000 people tuned in to watch the first show premiere.
Some 25.5 million people tune into its programming each week, up from 13 million a decade ago.
So far, more than 182 million people - individuals who watched at least six minutes once during the Olympics - have tuned in.
Some broadcasting consultants, in fact, believe they are the main reason people tune in the news.
That would keep people tuned in more than just playing the same old stuff.