During the open house held May 6-13, 2000, almost 25,000 people toured the temple.
More than 10,000 people toured the temple during this time.
Over 76,000 people toured the building during the public open house before it was dedicated.
By day's end, the museum said, more than 10,000 people had toured the new center.
But if they have the gas, the people are out touring the devastation - four, five sometimes six to a car.
During the open house one year later, 52,000 people toured the building.
Over half a million people toured the temple during its open house.
Last year, 28,000 people toured the mine, most of them in school groups.
More than 25,000 people toured the temple during that time.
Over 1000 people toured the 13 homes that were open.