The town was rising up now, the sea had dropped out of sight behind it, and people down below were stirring.
In the room, people stirred, murmured with concern and apprehension.
Haze swept the eastern sky, but people were already stirring.
The people stirred when they saw her, setting off a ripple of low, hostile voices.
These poor people were under a spell of stupor, and did not stir a foot.
Only a few people were stirring, but Durc was wide awake.
The people stirred, surprised; I was no wiser than they.
There was almost silence in the room, but one or two people stirred.
There, a people has stirred itself into action and, using peaceful means, forced the holding of free elections.
Outside, the forum was the same as on any morning, with a few people stirring, drawing water from the fountain.