Usually people sneaked into my van to steal food.
The people gathered here listen with rapt attention and sneak glances at the person sitting beside them.
On a given day last month, only about 35,000 people sneaked onto the subway, a decrease of 85 percent.
Publications were paying to have people sneak on our set.
"There will always be a situation where people can sneak things by security if they try hard enough."
The outlying pickets were too scattered to spot everything moving in the area, even if people weren't sneaking around.
And despite warnings that more explosions were possible, many people who had been evacuated sneaked back across police lines to return to their homes.
If people were sneaking in through windows," one woman said, "how would we know?
"We have security at all of our depots, but they are huge facilities and people sometimes sneak inside."
You know, I've done this a lot longer than you have, and people don't sneak around unless they have something to hide.