He is not evil enough to wish all his people slaughtered by the Wolves.
The castle is ruined, many people slaughtered, and two noblewomen are among those abducted.
Because of you a good man saw his church burned, his people slaughtered.
All those people slaughtered for no reason what so ever.
Fourteen million people slaughtered in a bungled attempt to kill one man.
Our people have slaughtered each other without mercy since the Flood receded and probably before.
All those people slaughtered, and it made no sense at all.
Hostages are taken and people slaughtered, but beyond acting suitably disaffected, no one seems to have a thought in his head.
If they had suddenly lifted the lid off back then, people would have been slaughtering each other, too.
Cities were laid waste, the people slaughtered or sold into slavery.