Later, people would remark that the youths played as if they knew the day would be their last.
"Some people have remarked on a certain resemblance between us."
Not many people these days remarked upon the fact that he was an ape.
Because, frankly, Matt, people have been remarking about some of your behavior.
Sometimes people remark that we had a big influence, but I don't really hear it - at least not in pop music.
He's flying his wife to work every day, and you people haven't even remarked that that's never happened before.
Either way, it would be nice if people remarked on the "new you."
After the procedure, he said, people remarked about how well he looked but couldn't put their finger on why.
"Too many people on that floor at time," he remarked sadly.
Several people have remarked that you are not looking well.