Territory has a particular kind of significance in all this in so far as these young people are reasserting their lost solidarity and independence through literally 'winning space': claiming particular territories to be 'theirs'.
But if people cannot reassert it, the attractive slogans of violence will take over.
The people there, including the young people, are reasserting these values and calling for a pluralist democratic society.
The people of Somaliland therefore reasserted their sovereignty and the second independent Republic of Somaliland was re-born.
This would mean that the people, through their elected representatives, would reassert meaningful control over the process, rather than letting the courts and chance perform the accommodation on an ad hoc, irrational basis.
Purdy appeared to debate the issue and denied that it is society that makes disabled people wish to kill themselves and reasserted her belief that it is right to be able to seek assistance when one is physically incapable of committing suicide oneself.