Our people could then pronounce it to be an island, nearly of the same appearance and extent with that which had so lately been left.
"More people are pronouncing it right than last year," he said.
One day she asked me why people on seeing her written name pronounced it to rhyme with math.
In India too, people pronounce things differently, depending upon which region they come from.
An advantage of the name Rojina is that most people around the world can easily pronounce it.
She had such a funny feeling when other people pronounced his name.
Remember when most people couldn't even pronounce Vieques, much less point it out on a map?
This may be how the town has got its name but some local people pronounce it Birnaguri too.
Accent: the way in which people from different places pronounce words and sentences.
She should be thankful to be on a prime time show where people can actually pronounce her last name.