Many people can lower their blood pressure with diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes.
Some people can lower their blood pressure through diet and exercise alone, without taking medicine.
Reducing salt intake is one of several ways that people may lower their blood pressure.
Technology-savvy younger people have lowered the average age of poll workers to 52.
Do we have enough people to lower a swinging wagon six hundred feet?
It's a strike against the idea that in hard economic times people should lower their expectations about what kind of city they want to live in.
He paused, realizing that the few people in the room were listening intently, and lowered his voice.
But the institute says it does not know how many people have lowered their pressure to this range and are included in the total.
I noticed that people coming in the other direction lowered their eyes and avoided eye contact with me.
The people had lowered their spears and were listening with great interest.