Or look at Liberia four years ago: 600 people locked in a church and killed.
More people are locking their doors than they did before.
"When push comes to shove, people will lock arms and do the right thing," he said.
More staff people- not guards, Danny was told, but guides- came by and locked everyone in from the outside.
And that is a bad thing - people should go in and lock their doors.
Does my right hon. Friend agree that if more people locked their cars fewer 17-year-olds would get into them?
"It's been such a sloppy market that I think people are locking in profits."
"Here people lock themselves up in a practice room and think they can make great music," he said.
Some people don't even lock their doors when they go downtown.
"Does it require too much thought when we want people locked into the combat?"