It is a cardinal principle of good investigation that you don't ask people to investigate themselves.
In fact, the only reason they had not opened fire immediately was that they didn't want to bring people to investigate the shooting.
The people belonging to this function investigate, research, and give advice to their line managers.
I'll get in touch with her side and have my own people investigate.
Yeah, two people from their ship were investigating the mess, and the building fell on them.
Rose also did not know when to stop with the people investigating his gambling on his own business.
Up to 100,000 people a year investigate the possibilities of building a home for themselves.
We barely have the people to investigate all the ley lines we're on right now.
"In the meantime, perhaps people here should investigate the matter."
Some cities, he said, advertise too much, people investigate and then go home disappointed, seldom to return.