Nearly 200 years ago, the Haitian people rose up out of slavery and declared their independence.
About 80,000 and 60,000 people declare being able to read and write it.
In the Polish census of 2002, 48,700 people declared they belong to this group.
Graft, a great many people have declared, is part of the political system.
According to the census held on the 01.02.2011 114 people declared to live in the village.
Some people declared that it was a triumph for the new laws, bless them.
When the photograph was invented, people declared the death of painting.
It is not unusual to hear people here declare the hurricane a net positive in their lives.
In the 1992 census, 10,803 people declared themselves to be Macedonian.
"Just the very nature of having people declare their religion to get a deal on a car is obnoxious," he said.