Soon many people were complimenting her physique and encouraged her to compete.
A development brief was drawn up, identifying the site as an area to attract people to compliment the convention centre.
Often people will compliment something that you've done that you may not feel so hot about.
On the other hand, many people complimented the way the drama portrayed the whole drama with a more human touch.
I sheepishly admit that I am pleased when people compliment their looks.
"When I got blown off the road in a tornado going to Spencer, people complimented me."
For instance, when we planted flowering pear trees, many people complimented us on them.
When people compliment you that they're nice children, then I think you've been a terrific mother.
You become embarrassed when people compliment you: 'Oh it was nothing really'.
But people compliment me on the way I look, and I glow with the attention.