The people waiting in Sun Street, on the other side of the garden wall, were chattering excitedly among themselves.
But these people were chattering, and he couldn't make out the individual words.
Around the pool a couple of dozen people were chattering and sipping drinks.
As he spoke the Yonkers breakfast banquet, many people chattered on at their tables.
On all sides of us, people drank and chattered and laughed, oblivious to the drama in their midst.
The people around him were whimpering softly or chattering to themselves.
The young people were chattering excitedly as they unpacked the other three rifles and he snapped an order that shut them up.
The people in the Valo system had been chattering about a possible withdrawal for a long time.
He lifted his glass, and silently toasted his successor while the other people in the room chattered across the table.
Waves thundered in the background, people chattered, laughed, yelled.