He concluded that the prisoners had not been "brainwashed," as some people had alleged.
At times, the credibility is at stake as some people allege that the association has fake membership.
The people alleged that she maintained an incestuous relationship with her father and thus would take no other man while he lived.
Conversely, people who are concerned with maintaining their self-esteem allege that they deny jealous feelings.
Some people will certainly allege they never bought it, but I didn't hear their voices.
Some people alleged that the show generalised the entire Brahmin community of being casteist.
It also means protecting the rights of guys that people allege are bad.
Q. Is the three-year plan to finance the deficit too short a period, as some people have alleged?
Some people allege that the prisoners have been tortured.
Some people alleged that they were offered money to turn up for pro-Gaddafi rallies outside Libya.