"I get to eliminate jobs, yet keep access to the knowledge these people have accumulated," she said.
At first you have no idea why these people are accumulating such an odd assortment of items.
"One reason is that when people accumulate enough stock they often leave and use the money to start a business."
It was not safe to go near her until some more people had accumulated.
Last year, according to Inside Flyer magazine, 32 million people accumulated 644 billion miles.
And their estimates of how much people must accumulate for retirement are often open ended.
To protect themselves, people accumulate savings and buy insurance.
But people accumulated their rubles and had nowhere to spend them.
The third is the levels of debt that both the government and the American people have been accumulating.
Older people have accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience and we need to motivate them to continue to work for longer in their lives.