Only about 12 people accompanied his body to the cemetery of Thiais in Paris.
Are there any restrictions on how many people can accompany you?
Occasionally other people accompany the guides on their mission.
If my own people accompany me-my guards think you almost one of the family-no one will know or care.
But no one, no matter how many people accompany them, will go hungry.
That might make it easier for you to have witnesses or other people accompany you.
Accompanying Manning were two people, a young man in his middle twenties, and a girl, who was wearing a beige sport suit.
When he left Capernaum for the first time, many more people accompanied him.
'We are not trying to force people to change, but to accompany them in their struggle for a better life,' he added.
Besides, you will need time to collect the right people to accompany you.