The voice he comes up with may not be quite his own, but his pent-up need to speak excuses this.
Their pent-up need for accomplishment more than made up for their lack of grit.
Vigorous homebuilding occurred in the late 1930s to accommodate the pent-up need created during the depression.
The pent-up needs of the wounded, weary earth surged through his fingers, sang along his veins.
Neither bill is expected to pass, but some political analysts believe that the tax cuts are hampering the state's ability to meet pent-up needs.
"There's 12 years of pent-up needs boiling out here and elsewhere."
Must it be without at least some small release of pent-up need?
At once the pent-up need to speak brought words to Issib's lips.
"There's a pent-up need for this," he said.
By the time Qing-jao got to her room she was shaking with the pent-up need for purification.