And in a break from decades of pension policy, the bill would let owners reap tax benefits for themselves even if their workers do not participate.
Additionally, a terminal (or final) bonus is given when the pension policy matures.
Today, G.M.'s generous pension policies are one reason it is in trouble.
Although John retired some years ago, he had left four personal pension policies to grow.
These are mainly holders of pension policies but here are a few endowments.
The previous pension policy was 30 years of employment and only after a worker reached age 62.
Each measure was primarily concerned with limiting Federal revenue losses instead of improving pension policy.
Mr President, I too agree that pension policy involves an enormous challenge.
This commitment must be taken into account in particular in national social security and pension policies.
In paragraph 9, the resolution stresses Member States' competence but calls on them to coordinate their different pension policies.