In the US, penis pumps may be covered by Medicare if they are deemed medically necessary.
This device derives from the male prototype, the penis pump, which appeared in the early 1900s and is intended for sexual enhancement, or the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Yes, it's the penis pump.
Danny orders him a penis pump to help him measure up to Craig.
He expects her to be in the bathroom, and when she opens the door seconds later, the penis pump sits on his lap below his shocked face.
A 15-year-old boy uses a penis pump when he discovers he's not as endowed as his rival for his girlfriend's affection.
This type of device is sometimes referred to as penis pump and may be used just prior to sexual intercourse.
She's not only participating in phallocentric boasting; she's also inflating the convention with a Swedish penis pump until it's just shy of bursting".
It faintly resembles a penis pump, or, less scandalously, a bong.