Furthermore the lack of a baculum (penis bone) found in all lower primates means that the fossil was from a female.
The wings are brown and the baculum (penis bone) is short and broad.
The baculum (penis bone) is about 0.5 mm long.
Males have a relatively small baculum (penis bone) compared to their size.
A single baculum (penis bone), 2.2 mm long, has been studied.
He lashed the table with the penis bone, asnap!
If the exiled ruler cut athim with the penis bone, Daniel was going to take it away and worry about the consequences later.
The great apes, despite their size, tend to have very small penis bones, and humans are the only ones to have lost them altogether.
The two lateral digits are not supported by mounds of the baculum (penis bone).
Every primate except man has a penis bone known as the baculum.