Demo gazed from side to side, trying to penetrate the white barrier before his eyes.
His weapon couldn't penetrate any time before his-not as an effective agent, anyway.
The spherical shape and relatively low velocity brought the benefit that the bomb did not penetrate the ground before exploding.
The bomber would be able to carry nuclear bombs being developed by the Air Force to penetrate the earth before exploding.
For a brief time shortly after 1 o'clock, the Dow penetrated 2,200 before falling.
There were high windows along the outer wall to admit daylight, but nothing penetrated in these small hours before dawn.
Workers who were inside the bunker at the time survived, as the bombs did not penetrate the roof before exploding.
Delay fuzes allow the shell to penetrate the ground before exploding.
He penetrated farther into Africa than any European before him.
Beneath a jutting arch of rock, a shadow-filled opening penetrated the high stone wall before them.