The pens and inkpot sat on her desk as always.
The pens she does write with sit in a special desk drawer with a window.
With a minimum of ceremony, Jeffrey straightened paper and pens, secured the stopper in the bottle of ink, sat back, and said, "In the two months Finnea has been here, she has managed to recover her health nicely after that ghastly train wreck.
Here sat Audmar with a pad of white paper, a quill pen, a cut-glass bottle of mulberry-colored ink.
Inside, 10 sizeable wooden pens containing oiled pelicans sat in the centre of the warehouse.
The pen and inkwell still sat on the dusty table.
The pen sat idle in Claire's hand as she looked at him.
When the point is extended, the Swift's clip retracts to be flush with the body of the pen, which helps the pen sit in the hand more comfortably, and also serves as a preventative reminder not to reinsert the pen into one's pocket with the point extended, which may cause staining.
The pen he had whipped across his desk in frustration Thursday sat untouched last night, and he was able to chuckle about the faulty communications lines to the bullpen - the phone was out and the batteries in two walkie-talkies were dead - that had reserve players shuttling back and forth with instructions.
A special pen sits on a cognac-colored, Italian wild boar skin rest; $100 at Distinctive Bookbinding, (800) 616-9111.