Loved Ones is a 1985 collection of pen portraits by Diana Mitford.
The book includes pen portraits of leading figures that featured prominently in Mitford's life.
He worked with many present or future stars and provides delightful pen portraits of some in "Threads of Time."
Traditionally people paid to place a pen portrait of themselves in print; replies were often guided to a post office box to ensure privacy.
He is also adept at concise pen portraits of these often ghastly men (and they were inevitably men).
I didn't come here for a pen portrait.
The site even offers pen portraits of close to 100 famous French men and women.
We trust Vale chairman Bill Bell enjoyed his pen portrait.
Her grandmother made a pen portrait of her granddaughter at this time:
Eisenhower was nearing the end of his final term and the editor wanted a pen portrait of the presidential candidates.