June 24 - Miki Roque, 23, Spanish footballer, pelvic cancer.
He died of a pelvic cancer 10 July 1767.
Radiation treatment for pelvic cancer.
Takaji Mori, 67, Japanese Olympic bronze medal-winning (1968) footballer, renal pelvic cancer.
Andy later discovers that he has pelvic cancer, and has approximately one year to live if the hip and leg are not removed.
A qualified gynecologic oncologist, who is a gynecologic surgeon with specialized training in pelvic cancers, best performs the procedure.
July 17 - Takaji Mori, 67, Japanese footballer, renal pelvic cancer.
It is also known as ureter cancer, renal pelvic cancer, and rarely ureteric cancer or uretal cancer.
The highest rates of complications exist for those who have pelvic cancer or a history of radiation therapy.
The cause was pelvic cancer, The Associated Press reported.