Today, computer savvy and other technically proficient people are sometimes pejoratively referred to as propellerheads thanks to the one-time popularity of the propeller beanie.
This group is mostly (but not exclusively) conservative leaning and pejoratively referred to by their rivals as blavers.
This group is mostly (but not exclusively) left leaning and is pejoratively referred to as catalanistes by the aforementioned.
Contestants have referred to King pejoratively as a "he/she" and a "drag queen".
The repeated holding of a referendum on a single issue has been pejoratively referred to as a "never-end-um" by the academic Matt Qvortrup.
Those who practice draft evasion are sometimes pejoratively referred to as "draft dodgers," a term which was made popular during the Vietnam War.
These children are sometimes pejoratively referred to as anchor babies by those aggressively opposed to this method of citizenship attained outside of the legal immigration process.
Companies that have this business model are pejoratively referred to as patent trolls.
The Swiss standard is often pejoratively referred to as the 50% Rule.
Majoritarianism is sometimes pejoratively referred to by its opponents as "ochlocracy" (literally, "mob rule") or "tyranny of the majority".