Sharp practice is a pejorative phrase used by judges in Canada to describe sneaky or cunning behavior that is technically within the rules of the law but borders on being unethical.
Of course, Bill Clinton resurrected the pejorative phrase trickle-down Reaganomics when he was misrepresenting the Reagan record during his first presidential campaign.
Cut and run is a pejorative phrase used in the context of a war or battle to mean cowardly retreat.
The company's name is a play on the previously pejorative phrase "meet market".
Much of his criticism is reserved for the Bishops of England and Wales, whom he often refers to collectively using the pejorative phrase "the magic circle".
The term has become the pejorative phrase to describe any Western-style ideas or actions.
A welfare queen is a pejorative phrase used in the United States to refer to people who are accused of collecting excessive welfare payments through fraud or manipulation.
This idea of nation-building is kind of a pejorative phrase, but think about the great conflict of the past century, World War II.
Opera stars who, in the suggestively pejorative phrase, "cross over" into popular entertainment seldom reap much but embarrassment.
But in other areas welfare reform has stalled, and steps to cut benefits for single mothers have caused resentment in a country where "welfare state" is not a pejorative phrase.