Unlike peer-to-peer programs like Kazaa and Napster, ourTunes cannot search for or download music from users who do not share a subnetwork.
The tracks made their way all over the internet via private servers and peer-to-peer programs like Napster.
Comcast defended its interference with consumers' peer-to-peer programs as necessary to manage scarce network capacity.
Note that peer-to-peer programs generally allow files to be both uploaded and downloaded by default.
Specifically, it falsified packets of data that fooled users and their peer-to-peer programs into thinking they were transferring files.
XNap seems to have been abandoned in mid-2004, but as of March 2006, XNap is still one of the more powerful peer-to-peer programs.
What's more, some peer-to-peer programs now encrypt shared files to protect users.
There are two main methods for obtaining music online: peer-to-peer file-sharing programs and legal subscription services.
The major goal of this tool is to make possible the identification of peer-to-peer programs, which use unpredictable port numbers.
He wants to use a peer-to-peer program like Soulseek, Limewire.