This led to its transformation into a pedestrian-only bridge because the original bridge was not designed for the traffic loads required by the current Spanish bridge standards (IAP-98).
There are also two pedestrian-only bridges in Whitehorse, as well as a dam across the river and a hydroelectric generating station.
Due to the bridge's unique design, various ideas about saving the structure were considered (such as conversion to a pedestrian-only bridge).
If completed, the Big Four Bridge rail trail will contain the second longest pedestrian-only bridge in the world.
Eight other bridges span the lake, including two pedestrian-only bridges.
In 1879 a pedestrian-only bridge was introduced, followed by a second in 1881 to service the growing workmen traffic heading for the Thorneycroft shipyard just downstream from the crossing.
A bridge over the tracks that formerly carried cars on Cassatt Avenue was converted into a pedestrian-only bridge.
The newest bridge is Teatterisilta ('theatre bridge'), a pedestrian-only bridge built in 1997.
Today it is a pedestrian-only bridge, and is in the guardianship of English Heritage as a Scheduled Ancient Monument reference number 28842.
Devlin Way was the first pedestrian-only bridge built over the River Swilly.