By building small dams and blocks, the drainage of the area was stopped, preventing further oxidation of the peat soil.
Groundwater elevation is approximately at the elevation of the underlying native black peat soil.
Pieces of wood can make up five to 15 percent of the peat soil.
The dry peat soils have increased risk of fires and extensive releasing of CO2.
She said:"It's down to a number of factors, including the presence of water, with large rivers flowing to the sea, and the wet peat soils.
Later, the fertile lowland peat soil led to the area being much used for market gardening, with large areas under greenhouses.
Swamp Cinquefoil prefers peat soils but can also grow in moist sandy areas.
Once the rivers were confined to their riverbeds, the peat soil of the former tidal marsh was exposed to oxygen.
Prior to its development, the land consisted of peat soil, which was cultivated for the production of turf.
The marsh areas consist of peat soils formed by the decay of emergent plants over time.