Worse, the timing helped confuse things, falling after dark, when it was difficult to see their adversaries and the worst of peasant superstitions were inclined to rear their ugly heads.
I know it sounds like a peasant superstition, but it does work.
Yes, for despite old Kinkovsi's lack of more typical peasant superstition (which was doubtless a direct spin-off of the relative tourist boom) the old fears still lived.
Harker believes that her concerns are rooted in peasant superstition.
Seventy-five years of atheist realism, Lowel thought, but peasant superstition still crops up even in the urban population.
It seems so loaded down with peasant superstitions.
You've told me many times yourself that communist governments hold peasant superstition in contempt.
According to peasant superstition, Dracula still haunts the place.
This is no law, just custom, stupid custom, peasant superstition.
Wallachia, Bucovina, and Moldavia belong to the East: the world of Orthodox Christianity, of peasant superstitions and mystic ecstasies.