Also, with the Popular Front victory, radicalized peasants led by the Socialists began seizing land on 25 March.
In Mexico, the peasants from Morelos, led by Zapata, were middle peasants fighting to prevent the loss of their land.
Protestant peasants and silver miners, led by Thomas Müntzer, began taking over farms and mines.
King Abel received word that the peasants in Frisia, led by Sicko Sjaerdema, refused to pay the tax levy.
According to Matthias Bel, an 18th century scholar, the word was first used in 1514 for the armed peasants led by György Dózsa.
These were mostly untrained peasants, led by Anselm IV, Archbishop of Milan.
In one particular account, he tells of how a group of French peasants, led by Guillaume l'Aloue defeated the English in several skirmishes.
The Arab soldier is an illiterate peasant, poorly trained and led by incompetent officers.
On 15 August, a group of peasants led by Rohan of Pouldu forced a group Royal soldiers sent to enforce tax collection to retreat.
The peasants, led by Jakub Szela, murdered about 1000 nobles, and destroyed about 500 manors.