When a peasant came to collect his body, the peasant was shot dead on the spot.
Sterren noticed that peasants no longer came to the castle much.
But then the peasants found me out and came to me.
If the peasants come to you with problems, I have no doubt you can suggest solutions, but they probably won't.
One peasant from Dargun came along, too, to lead the mules back after they weren't needed anymore.
Snake took aim when the peasant came into full view and cut him nearly in half with a prolonged burst from the M-60.
To work in the mills, peasants came from all over Europe.
It happened that the peasants were coming in a crowd out of the forest, and again they met the engineer on the road.
Or some peasant, I realized, come to get revenge by scaring the life out of her.
Cooking like a peasant takes years of practice in the kitchen (something that real peasants came by quite naturally).