Her name has been attached to a pearl bracelet sold commercially.
Big pearl bracelets were tossed on wrists.
Sir Marcus has sent ye a wolf pelt, Sassenach, and me a pearl bracelet.
There were no changes to her hairdo, but she had replaced her diamond earrings with pearl ones and wore a pearl bracelet.
And Grace shook her pearl bracelet down around her hand and said, "You can't."
After initiation, he wears a red cap, and a pearl bracelet.
She pawned a favorite pearl bracelet to pay for its repair.
Mom, after learning of Enid's gift, had sent a pair of pearl bracelets from Florida.
Among other things, these women like to set their dresses off with pearl chokers and pearl bracelets.
A superradiant emission and a competition of the modes explain the generation of the pearl bracelets.