The walls were the same gray-silver of the outside of the ship and perfectly smooth, rising perhaps five meters to a peaked ceiling.
On the second floor, the kitchen has a peaked wood-paneled ceiling and white wood cabinets.
In the early morning shadow of the peaked ceiling, he lay along the attic beam like a panther, utterly still, watching her.
The conservatory, which has a peaked 14-foot ceiling and windows that tilt out, was $300 a square foot, for a total of $75,000.
Its architecture is Caribbean, with peaked ceilings, white stucco walls and bright blue wood latticework.
So were the floor under his feet and the peaked ceiling above him.
The apartment is on the second floor of the old house, with peaked ceilings, skylights and views of the garden.
In eight two-story buildings, the rooms are spacious, with high peaked ceilings and gently whirring fans.
Everson crossed his arms behind his head and stared up at the peaked ceiling.
THE interior is luminous from two windows, and spacious with a peaked 15-foot-high ceiling.