Some spectrometers can be operated so as to produce a spectrum of absorbance A, where peak height is a direct measure of intensity.
The kick out is done at the peak height to create a stall in the momentum and gives the temporary appearance of floating in mid-trick.
Depth can be determined from the width and shifted position of these peaks, and relative concentration from the peak heights.
Thus the error in roundness can be directly known by comparing the peak height as measured by the dial gauge.
One method used to do this is to examine the peak heights of infrared vibrations of the acid form.
The other peaks given a value equal to the ratio of the peak height to the tallest peak height.
This freestanding tent is based on two long poles that overlap across the top; peak height is somewhat low.
Tell Arpachiyah is a small mound with a maximum diameter of 67 meters and a peak height of 5.5 meters.
In such cases, an accurate measurement of the relative peak heights and/or areas might be unattainable.
The peak heights of the shoals reach about one metre above the average high tide.