Testing of the 4-cylinder car continued during the war, but when peacetime production restarted in 1919 it did not appear.
The USA has experienced nothing like this since the transition from wartime to peacetime production in 1945 - and we haven't seen the end of it yet.
On 9 September 1941, the president asked for more detail regarding allocation of aircraft based on estimates of peacetime production for the next nine months.
We do want these military industrial plants converted to peacetime production.
A great deal of work had to be done to plan how best to transition to peacetime production of goods while avoiding mass unemployment for returning veterans.
As manufacturers reverted to peacetime production, the country became a great consumerama again, flush with discretionary income in the prosperous 50's.
After the war, they converted to peacetime production.
After the end of World War II, conversion to peacetime production again caused problems to the company.
Like most other makes, Lincoln resumed peacetime production with warmed-over '42 models that would not change much through 1948.
First, however, he had to face the tasks of demobilizing 14 million Americans and of reconverting the economy to peacetime production.