Ob, no doubt, had slept well, a peaceful slumber without worries.
She laid her hand on his chest and felt the rise and fall of peaceful slumber.
After a further treatment of chamomile tea, she had fallen into a peaceful slumber.
The Light is all, she thought as she drifted into peaceful slumber.
Objects like metals that everyone knew stood still and human bodies even in peaceful slumber were said to be composed of atoms constantly moving about.
Whatever this phenomenon had become, one thing seemed clear: it was no longer in a peaceful slumber.
Pain no longer etched Graham's features, and he appeared almost youthful in his peaceful slumber.
Their peaceful slumber, unfortunately, doesn't capture the reality of the condition.
But in no time at all they were again sunk in peaceful slumber.
For a fleeting moment he almost envied the peaceful slumber of the General Secretary.