A love-in is a peaceful public gathering focused on meditation, love, music, and/or use of psychedelic drugs.
U.S. citizens should be aware that even peaceful gatherings and demonstrations can turn violent.
Some youths say police have barred them from pay phones and broken up peaceful gatherings.
And this video shows what the police are up to by infiltrating a peaceful and lawful gathering.
Of the Protestants who will march, he said, "They have made significant changes and we are convinced this can be a peaceful gathering."
After the Agnew nomination was announced, what had been a peaceful gathering against poverty turned into a riot.
Another peaceful gathering was reportedly held in Mandalay, the nation's second-largest city.
Arba'een is consistently among the largest peaceful gatherings in history.
The Communist regime violently broke up this peaceful gathering of religious believers.
He attacked three constables and tore up a peaceful gathering.