Soon afterwards, Earth stopped its pointless hostilities towards the peaceful farmers of Skylon 4.
Certainly a warrior barbarian's hope for the future might differ from the ideal fostered in the imagination of a peaceful farmer.
"The Anasazi were not entirely peaceful farmers," Balawahdiwa said once, barely to be heard.
Most of them return to their villages, where they own a piece of land, have their families, and live the life of peaceful farmers.
All of the peaceful farmers and missionaries who had lived in peace for many years were threatened and forced out of the Waikato.
The people were peaceful farmers, they warred with no one.
Until the Centauri occupied and exploited them, the Narn were mostly peaceful farmers.
His people, the valley folk, are peaceful farmers, but are often raided by the violent Kona tribe from the other side of the island.
"We have always been peaceful farmers, and fishermen," he said.
Her father, a peaceful placid farmer, had tried to stop raiders from robbing his barn and they had cut him down without a moment's thought.