An up-to-date list appears on; visitors to the site can click on "Welcome peaceful political activists."
They must release all imprisoned peaceful activists, allow foreign and national journalists to report freely and make further progress towards the elimination of the death penalty.
This glaring omission is one more example of the ongoing persecution of peaceful pro-life activists like Father Murphy.
He believes that labeling individuals as "terrorists" is being used as a fear tactic to discredit and suppress peaceful activists.
Also, he called attention to the erosion of civil liberties for peaceful activists, while stressing the harm done in the name of state control and not security.
Communal apartments were common on the left, and peaceful political activists could easily have shared living quarters with terrorists, without further collaboration.
It grew into a death squad that killed peaceful Honduran activists.
Months-long arbitrary detentions of "peaceful activists, journalists, students, and human rights defenders" and often charged with "acting against national security," has intensified.
During the 2004 Republican convention, it gave protesters buttons saying "peaceful political activists."
In return, he wants the protesters to behave and to wear buttons that identify them as "peaceful political activists."