There you can perform a great service for all the peace-loving nations of our bloc.
"We are a peace-loving nation and will unfailingly honor all assumed commitments," the emergency committee declared.
And certainly would facilitate the acceptance of Iraq back into the family of peace-loving nations.
He also said, "This is an opportunity for peace-loving nations in the region to deal, effectively, with this challenge."
We propose to substitute for all these, a universal organization in which all peace-loving nations will finally have a chance to join.
Militant Muslim fundamentalists are the enemy of the world's democracies and all peace-loving nations.
But it coupled the action with a promise to stay "a peace-loving nation."
The white paper goes on to assert that the mainland is a peace-loving nation.
The fate of the Tibetan people is particularly unfortunate because they are one of the most peace-loving nations in the world.
The North Korean people were a peace-loving nation, he added.