A week earlier his young deputy, Reggie Hadebe, had been gunned down while returning home from a peace parley with the rival Inkatha Freedom Party.
Through friendly native intermediaries, a peace parley was arranged between the two groups.
Narbona was past 80 when he was killed by cavalry shrapnel at a peace parley.
Whereupon the Governor and Senator began trying to reach each other by phone to set up some kind of peace parley.
Mr. Bush thanked him for making what the governor termed a gracious exit from the race, but the two men did not discuss holding some sort of peace parley, Bush aides said.
A peace parley, a truce until . . ." Raintree struggled to lift his head from the mat.
In another round of retaliation, California militia led by an Indian fighter named Ben Wright killed 41 Modoc at a peace parley.
Great damage nonetheless had already been done to the CPB's image, particularly the killing of young student leaders who had joined the CPB after the failed peace parley.
The loss of time resulting from the fight in the prahu and the ensuing peace parley permitted Muda Saffir to put considerable distance between himself and his pursuers.
If word reaches the Korean troops that we have her, they will at last accede to a peace parley.