Sheikh Ahmed said Ethiopia had been hostile to Somalia peace for more than 100 years, and reiterated a long-standing Islamist accusation that Ethiopian forces were intervening in Somalia.
Somaliland will then be an effective international partener for Somalia peace and stability.
President Shiikh Sharif has spoken about the situation in this region recently, as it is currently of great concern to the peace of Northern Somalia and is detrimental to the stability of all states: Somaliland, Khaatumo and Puntland.
As a British Somali citizen I am glad that Britain is taking the lead in supporting the peace of Somalia and building of dialogue among all regions.
The report said that Rogo had engaged in "acts that directly or indirectly threaten the peace, security or stability of Somalia", specifically in reference to recruiting and fundraising for al-Shabaab.
When I read most of these comments on this blogg it shows me that most of the Somali Diaspora is supporting peace, solution and unity of Somalia.