The chief cover story , countering basic conservative theology, argues that peace activism helped win the Cold War.
Kis-Lev thinks of himself as a zionist and sees no cotradiction between that and his peace activism.
Baker continued his peace activism in the context of the Religious Society of Friends.
That's not peace activism, that's hard core Palestinian terror.
Besides political activism, Asghar Khan has been engaged in peace activism.
Friedrich then retired from the army in order to support Althaus' peace activism.
Local festivals often promote peace activism and ecological awareness and an understanding of multiculturalism.
YCL members were involved with unemployed movements, peace activism, trade union activistm and campus organizations.
Mahon, who has a history of peace activism, opposed the Iraq War and missile defence plans in her time in office.
In 1962, for his peace activism, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.