"The single biggest change will be a reduction in payroll disparity," he said.
Major League Baseball is afflicted with payroll disparity, and nothing will soon alleviate the problem.
Besides payroll disparity, the term heard most often in baseball these days is contraction.
Four commissioners later, the people on the management side of the competitive fence say growing payroll disparity is wrecking competitive balance.
Orza said no one should be surprised that payroll disparity exists.
When the Yankees beat up those awful Browns in 1927, no one attributed the results to payroll disparity.
We're looking to reduce payroll disparity, and we're hopeful this one will do a better job than the last one.
If baseball has indeed reached parity, how does that mix with the payroll disparity the owners say has become the sport's biggest problem?
The revenue disparity in turn creates a payroll disparity.
Does it deal with payroll disparity and encourage competitive balance?