The trust is an inflation hedge because payments reflect increases in the value of trust assets.
Sometimes these payments are the result of innocent mistakes or reflect valid claims that were paid at the wrong time.
Following an adjustment, the taxpayer generally is allowed (at least by the adjusting government) to make payments to reflect the adjusted prices.
The smaller payment reflects Liggett's smaller share of the tobacco market.
These payments to shareholders reflect only gains and losses on stocks the fund actually sells, not winners or losers it keeps.
So your next year's payments, or monthly payments, will now reflect that increase in the cost of living.
In the current structure, rising payments do not reflect a social choice for better health; costs are eluding anyone's control.
The payments discussed do not reflect the amounts that claimants would recover from trials, he said.
The earnout payment should reflect marginal improvements above this base.
The payment will reflect the difficulty of the task.