You know for certain that payment will reach us on the day the bank makes the payment.
In the third quarter, the average minimum monthly payment that Americans owed on their debt reached its highest level since 1987.
To make sure your payment reaches us in time, you should check with your bank how many days they need to complete the transaction.
The bank will only give her a 70% mortgage and payments would reach over $15,000.
She estimated that if the $300,000 judgment, and accumulated interest, is upheld a second time, the payments would reach about $4 million.
This should provide at least two years of relief before payments again reach today's level, by which time income may have risen.
Once their payments in a year reached $1,275, Medicare would pay the entire bill.
The final payments could reach as high as $900 million, people involved in the case said, but the precise amounts were still under negotiation.
If the total payments to consumers and the states do not reach $100 million, the balance would go to the states for bankruptcy education programs.
At Redding, in fiscal 2002, the payments instead reached 118.6 percent, or $55.7 million.