To buy a $160,000 apartment, a family would likely have to make a down payment of 20 percent, or $32,000, and carry a $128,000 mortgage.
President Clinton's plan calls for a payment of 4.4 percent of payroll, or $66 a week.
Added to that is a mortgage down payment of 10 to 20 percent required by most lenders.
That is supposed to make it easier for people to buy a home with a down payment of 5 percent, or even less.
Each owner has legal responsibility just for his or own share, which is normally financed with a down payment of 10 percent.
The two offered $1.17 million, with a down payment of 40 percent.
The townhouse cost $99,000 and she only had to make a down payment of 3 percent.
A down payment of at least 20 percent is required.
That represents a down payment of about 20 percent.
Regular mortgages usually require a down payment of at least 10 percent.